For Access statements click here.

We are responsible for primary healthcare to our patients Monday – Friday at 8-6.30 pm (excluding Bank Holidays).

  • Nantgarw Road Medical Centre Public opening hours are 6 p.m. Monday – Friday.
  • SENGHENYDD HEALTH CENTRE (access is For Patients living in Abertridwr/Senghenydd)

Usual clinic times are Tuesday – Friday 8.30-1.30 


All GP appointments initially are either booked via TELEPHONE  – ARRANGE BY RINGING 02920 888118, OR  booking via NHS WALES APP (Previously MY HEALTH ONLINE) SEE .

  • Patients will be offered a face-to-face appointment on booking if we believe they need to be seen. This is usually when a physical examination is likely to be needed. We will offer a telephone consultation if the matter can be dealt with by telephone (such as medication reviews and follow-ups). 
  • If you are offered a telephone consultation but would prefer a face-to-face appointment then please ask the receptionist when booking who will change your appointment slot.

When Booking a TELEPHONE appointment the GP WILL RING YOU BACK – The receptionist will tell you if the call back will likely be during the  AM session (8-11 pm, or PM (2-6.00 pm session.

We cannot give patients specific ‘appointment times’ for telephone calls.  Please ensure your phone is not on silent, not diverted to answerphone, and that you do not have any ‘call guardian’ answerphone services which bar unknown callers.

We will make every effort to contact you, however, repeated failed attempts to contact patients could result in a  ‘failed encounter’, and you will be asked to rebook if contacting us again. 

A selection of ROUTINE PRE-BOOKABLE appointments are open every weekday and are bookable up to 6 weeks in advance for GPs/ 12 Weeks in advance for nurses.

We also have a set number of ‘same day’ appointments that become available each weekday for the same morning, and for matters that cannot wait (such as new or worsening issues). For routine appointments, we ask for brief information to ensure you are seen by the most suitable person or service. You do not have to tell us sensitive information – but our receptionists are trained in ‘care navigation’ and can help you get the right help as soon as possible.

FOR SAME-DAY BOOKINGS;- You may be Seen or Called (telephone appointments)   by ANY of the GPs on Duty. Once all same-day appointments have been booked – if you think you need to be seen quickly your request will be TRIAGED by a duty GP.  This means the receptionists will need to ask for some brief information about your condition  – this will get passed to the duty GP  – who will medically prioritise your request. 

If you need to speak to a specific GP, please book ahead – *However we cannot guarantee the availability of certain GPs. All GPs can access your medical notes to follow up on previous consultations*

We will try and accommodate patients if they feel they need to be consulted by a same-sex GP, however, we cannot guarantee this. In cases where you cannot see a same-sex GP, We will offer a chaperone for any intimate examinations OR on request.

Same-day ‘unscheduled’  appointments are reserved for new or worsening problems only (please see below for things that should be booked ahead). 

Where it is felt clinically necessary to examine you we will ask you to book a face-to-face appointment. If you feel that you need to discuss matters face to face please tell the receptionist.

Patients who need routine admin assistance – such as requests for FIT NOTES can request via our app if they have been off work for over 7 days (download from the appropriate app store below ).  Please allow up to 3 working days for us to review your request. Please note the GP may ask to see you for a review before issuing a fit note.


Nursing appointments are available up to 3 months in advance. Please note we cannot book patients in for blood tests or other investigations unless the GP has requested this.

You can register for online services by following this link -


Book or Cancel Your Appointment Online here 

Pre-Bookable Telephone Appointments

You can book appointments in advance by telephone,  or over the internet using our online services. A selection of new appointments will become available each day to book between one and 36 days ahead on a rolling basis. We can offer your GP of choice if requested, but the length of wait for specific GPs and availability of appointments on certain days, or certain times of day, cannot be guaranteed.

Pre-bookable Telephone appointments are available AM and PM via the NHS WALES APP. There are appointments available throughout the afternoon to 6:00 pm.

All pre-booked appointments are subject to availability, and we open more booking appointments during every weekday day for all GPs.

Please note that on the instructions of the GPs, the Receptionists will ask you for brief details of your condition; The Receptionist can then advise you on the most appropriate clinician to deal with your complaint.

For instance, we have nurses who are trained to deal with new onsets of the following minor complaints:

  • Conjunctivitis
  • Coughs
  • Sore Throat/Tonsilitis
  • Earache/Ear Problems
  • Fever, Flu-Like Symptoms
  • Skin Conditions
  • Urine Infections
  • Urine Infection Symptoms

This means you may not always need to speak to a GP (excluding under 5’s).


We kindly encourage patients to avoid using SSAME-DAY appointments for the following routine reasons:

  • life-threatening emergencies (ring 999);
  • FFollow-previews, and ongoing conditions of over 3 weeks duration, unless worsening;
  • Renewal of sick notes for long-term sickness;
  • Medication Reviews (including pill reviews);
  • Test results (unless specifically requested to attend by practice);
  • Form filling for private work such as DVLA (please speak to receptionist about this);
  • Matters that can be dealt with by a dentist, optician or pharmacist (please see information about the Common Ailment Scheme below or ask a receptionist for further details).

We do have a chaperone policy in respect of intimate examinations and patients can request/will be offered a chaperone if this is necessary. Please enquire at Reception for more information.

Missed Appointments (DNAs)

If you cannot make an appointment it is important to cancel so other patients can be offered the slot. We monitor patients who missed appointments and follow-up non-attenders.

Private Medical Examinations & Forms

Please ask us if you wish to see GPs for any private service, such as employment medicals or completion of reports. This does not take place in normal surgery appointments – we book these appointments separately. Charges will apply (please ask for our private fees).


House calls are usually for patients who are housebound or have a condition that means that they cannot travel. Where possible ring the surgery before 11:00 am to arrange.

Access to Other Healthcare Professionals


There is a Common Ailment Scheme available to most local pharmacists. This is also for minor conditions. You may see a Pharmacist for a consultation and receive NHS medication as part of this scheme without the need to see a GP.


Most eye problems can be dealt with by your optician.


If you have dental problems, please contact your dentist.

The Emergency Dental Helpline is available on 01633 744387 between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:15p and an1:15 p.m. – 4:00 pm. Other times are advisory only.

Injuries & Trauma

This practice does not deal with accidents and emergencies.

For minor injuries please attend the Ystbyty Ystrad Fawr Minor Injuries unit (nurse-led). This covers limb injuries, minor wounds, minor burns, and face/head/neck/back/chest injuries. Children under 1 should attend ROYAL GWENT HOSPITAL.

For major/life-threatening injuries, RING 999 or attend A&E  (GRANGE HOSPITAL)